Wednesday, May 30, 2007

3 Years!

Yesterday, Isaac and I celebrated our third anniversary. We have come a long way in 3 years. We were able to spend a great day together and just enjoy each other. Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Ryan is 30! We celebrated with Chinese food and ice cream! It was wonderful to celebrate with him today. There were many years when birthdays and celebrations together were not so lighthearted. I am reminded today of what a blessing forgiveness has been in my life. I am blessed with a remarkable friend that I never could have imagined I would enjoy so much. What a blessing it is to think of all the years ahead of us, sharing in each others lives, enjoying our nieces and nephews, and having each other the lean on. Thank you for that. Happy birthday, my friend. I love you.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Congrats Katie!

My friend Katie is pregnant! She is 13 weeks along, and the baby will be a Texan! She and her husband moved to Houston last week. I am so excited for them. This has made me think a lot about motherhood over the last few days. Sometimes I think that as a woman and as a wife, I should have all my affairs in order, including a beautifully clean house and a little baby to wake me up at night. This inevitably leads me to reflect on the blessings of living by God's plan instead of my own. The time isn't right, and I am completely happy with that. In the meantime, I have my Abby and Ethan.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Recent Scrapbook Pages

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Knee Dance

We had a great time with Grandpa and Sonya on Sunday. Of course, Grandpa broke out the knee dance again, and I just thought it should be documented for posterity.